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HTML Base Tag Explained


Raqueebuddin Aziz

July 7, 2023

Freelance Web Designer & Developer

HTML Base Tag Explained

The base tag can be used to set the base URL for every anchor tag on the page it’s used in, you can also use it to set the default behavior for links to be opened in a new tab.


Setting the href attribute of the base tag will set the base URL for every anchor on the page including relative URLs, hash URLs, absolute URLs that start with a /.

(To learn more about different types of URLs check out this blog post on anchor tags)

<base href="" />

<!-- This will goto -->
<a href="test">Test</a>

<!-- This will also goto -->
<a href="/test">Test</a>

<!-- This will not goto -->
<a href="">Test</a>

<!-- This will not goto -->
<a href="/test#hash">Test</a>

The above code will make every link on this page which doesn’t specify a base URL itself start with

If you set the target attribute of a base tag to _blank every link by default will open in a new tab.

<base target="_blank" />

<!-- All these links will open in new tab -->
<a href="test">Test</a>
<a href="/test">Test</a>
<a href="">Test</a>
<a href="/test#hash">Test</a>

Common pitfalls

  • Only use one base tag per page, if you use multiple only the first one will be considered valid.
  • SEO Tags like og:image and twiter:image doesn’t take the base tag into account you still need to use the full URL with them.


The base tag is a weird one, you probably will never use it for changing the actual base URL rather you might use it to change the default behaviour of links to open in new tab.

Leave a comment down below if you can think of a use case for the base tag in your projects

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